Married to a Narcissist – Jimmy Evans

Are you married to a narcissist? If you wonder, watch the following:

Are you married to a narcissist? If you are, then this You Tube video is designed just for you. In it, Jimmy Evans (from the Marriage Today ministry) addresses narcissism within marriage. He gives very sound, practical advice for spouses who are looking for it, and are open to receive it.

Additional Info for Those Married to a Narcissist:

This is such a difficult issue to try to navigate. That’s why we want to give you even more information you can use.  Below is additional info you can use to help you to better approach your marriage situation. Please prayerfully read (or view), and glean through the info given. And then use whatever tips you can that believe will help you.

First, here is a link to another short video that features Jimmy Evans. He gives a bit more info on this issue. We recommend you view:

What If You Married a Narcissist?

Secondly, here is an article for you to read. It is a article that talks to wives who are dealing with:

The Narcissistic Husband

Furthermore, Dr David Hawkins writes another article on this matter, but this time he addresses both husbands and wives. To learn more, please read:

Married to a Narcissistic Husband or Wife

Additionally, below is an article featured on the Marriagetrac web site. It is a question and answer article written to husbands who have narcissistic wives:

My Narcissistic Wife

And then lastly:

Leslie Vernick writes a no-nonsense article that you will also want to read. She answers the following question that most anyone wants to know who is married to a narcissist. But also pay attention to the “recommended web site link” she refers to in the article. You may find it to be helpful, as well because it is written from the stand that sometimes narcissism CAN be cured. It isn’t always, but it IS possible. So read Leslie’s article as well as visiting the web site she refers to within it. Here’s a link to the following question and her answer afterward:

Is There Hope for a Narcissistic Spouse?

We hope all of the above info helps you to figure out your best approach in this marriage situation. Please know that with Christ, there is always hope. We are told in God’s Word that, “Nothing is impossible with God.” Those are not just fancy, or empty words. God gives hope where there seems to be no hope. You just have to look at it with new eyes, and a new approach that God can give you. We hope you will and pray strength for you as you do.

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