Guardrails to Guide in Marriage – Andy and Sandra Stanley

In this YouTube video Pastor Andy and Sandra Stanley talk about the need to put up guardrails —warning systems you put up within your marriage. Andy starts out by giving the definition of a Guardrail. It is “a standard of personal behavior that becomes a matter of conscience.” In other Read More…

Survived Doing Household Projects Together

You see the T-shirts around, “I survived the earthquake of ____” or “I survived the tornado.” You also see, “I survived [this event] or [that].” We feel like we should design and wear T-shirts for things we’ve survived too. One of them can claim, My spouse and I survived doing Read More…

Practical Advice on Parenting TOGETHER

Parenting is no easy task. That’s probably one of the many reasons God designed it to be done together —with both parents involved. Even so, you need all the help you can get. I’m writing this article for that reason. I want to pass along to you some practical tips Read More…

Marital Tips Won’t Work

It may seem like a contradiction that we say marital tips won’t work and yet we give them all the time. The Marriage Missions web site is filled with them. Just look around. Plus, we post new marital tips every day on the Marriage Missions Facebook page. We also send Read More…

What Sage Advice Would You Give Newlyweds?

Everyone has an opinion. And we’d sure like yours. If a newlywed came up to you and said, “What sage advice (wise advice) would you give a newlywed”—what would you say? What nugget of truth would you give to that newlywed? That’s the question we’ve been wondering about this week. Read More…

When the “We” is Breaking Apart

Have you ever been to a wedding where the marrying couple lights a “Unity” candle? The premise of lighting this candle is to symbolize two individual lives becoming “one” after the ceremony. But do they? From that day forward, do they start behaving as if they’re united as a marital Read More…

Favored Marriage Advice – Part 2

In the previous Marriage Insight Cindy shared some of her favored marriage advice that she has gleaned over the years. This week I (Steve) have the honor of sharing with you a few of my favorites. Some of it will be directed specifically toward the guys. That’s because my passion Read More…

Expert Marriage Advice – Part 2

Young or old, we can all use good marriage advice from some of the “experts.” After all, whose marriage is perfect? It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been married, we can always improve things. In the last Marriage Insight we shared with you some EXPERT MARRIAGE ADVICE. (If you didn’t Read More…

Expert Marriage Advice

God has been impressing upon us to share some of the expert marriage advice we’ve learned (and applied, which has helped our marriage). In other words, this is advice we’ve gleaned from some great marriage experts. And WOW! We found some great stuff! The Marriage Missions web site is filled Read More…