Don’t Forget to Laugh in Marriage

Yes! As spouses, we too often FORGET to laugh. And how sad is that? We’re the first to confess to this (even though we know better). You have probably found this to be true in your marriage, as well. Through the years we’ve seen that marriage is one of the Read More…

Silly Gestures that Grow Marital Love

An important point in marrying is to grow your love relationship with each other. It takes your love to a whole new level. But your love won’t grow if you don’t do what it takes to make that happen. It’s not a “once done, always done” type of situation. It’s Read More…

Still Laughing

You know, we’re not going to let you go on this point. (It’s too important.) As a matter of fact, laughing together in marriage is very, very important. In a previous Marriage Insight, (You’ve Just Got to Laugh) we posted some humorous marriage jokes hoping they would bring laughter into Read More…

You’ve Just Gotta Laugh

We don’t know about you, but life has not delivered many opportunities to laugh together lately. We’ve had some tough, tough weeks and months that generally, have been anything but laughable. So, we’ve had to look for ways to laugh together because we KNOW it’s important. It’s the medicine that Read More…

Sharing Humor in Marriage

We’re all about sharing humor. We’re all about looking for reasons to laugh. And we’re all about encouraging couples to laugh together. Sharing humor together has helped keep our marriages from unraveling apart. (Other things have helped us in our marriage but laughing together has been a vital part of Read More…

Where Did the Fun Go in Our Marriage?

  If you’re like Cindy and me (Steve) you sometimes encounter so much serious “stuff” during different seasons of your life together that you wonder if things will ever lighten up. Where did the fun go? Will it ever come back? Sometimes life is hard, but we refuse to wallow Read More…

Where Did the Fun Go?

There are SO many serious issues that can grab at us within our married lives. As a result, all of the fun can sometimes get choked out. That’s what my husband Steve and I have found to be true in our lives. And we’re thinking it’s true in the lives Read More…

Funny Marriage Insights and Thots

We keep saying, “Learning through laughter is our favorite way to grow our marriage.” Life has been so serious (especially lately) that we have made it our habit to weave humor in between the layers of seriousness. When things get too heavy we do all we can to take a Read More…

Sarcasm Can Damage a Marriage Relationship

So, the title of this Marriage Insight is: “Sarcasm Can Damage a Marriage Relationship.” The question is: Does sarcasm always damage a marriage? No! If it isn’t mean spirited or if it isn’t directed to make fun of anyone else at his or her expense, then sarcasm can sometimes be Read More…

More Funny Videos Combating Seriousness

Learning through laughter is our favorite way of approaching serious matters. In light of this we are sharing some funny videos on marriage to hopefully, get you to laugh. Lets take a laugh break in the midst of all the tough stuff that’s happening to and around us. It may Read More…