Healthy Conflict in Marriage

Healthy Conflict … Do those two words go together? A lot of people think that a good marriage is one where there ISN’T any conflict. But that’s not true. It’s a natural occurrence in marriage. “What most spouses are surprised to learn is that marriage probably generates more anger than Read More…

Right Fighting in Marriage

Are you a “right fighter?” When you’re conflicting with your spouse, do you keep fighting about the issue at hand until you feel you’ve made the point clear that you are right, and he or she is wrong? If you’re doing that, then yes, you are right fighting. It’s also arguing Read More…

Give Marriage a Fighting Chance

So many marriages need a “fighting chance” to survive. Marriage relationships are breaking up all around us. It’s sad to see these love relationships start out so beautiful and end in such defeat! That’s a big reason why we work to help couples navigate the many troubles they encounter in Read More…

The Good and Angry Marriage

“You used to be MADLY IN LOVE, but now you’re JUST MAD!” (Gary and Carrie Oliver) Does that describe how you relate to your spouse? You used to see so much good in each other; but now you can barely see beyond the things that irritate you? Instead of enjoying a Read More…

Confronters vs. Avoiders in Marital Conflict

Are you and your spouse both confronters or avoiders when you argue with each other? Or perhaps one of you is a confronter and the other is an avoider when it comes to conflict. It’s important to note: “There are as many ways to fight as there are personalities. Some Read More…

Having the Same Argument Over and Over Again?

Do you get tired of “revisiting” certain issues with your spouse repeatedly? Yes, us too! We also go through this frustrating situation sometimes. We call them Déjà vu Arguments. It’s the same argument; it’s just repackaged, and keeps popping up repeatedly on different days, weeks or months. But why? Why Read More…

Healthy Fights Within Marriage

The question is: Can we have healthy fights within our marriage? The answer? Yes! But it will take intentionality to learn how to do that. Unhealthy fighting comes naturally when a sinner marries a sinner. And let’s face it… we all have a propensity to sin. That’s why we have Read More…

The Importance of Unlearning Some Things in Marriage

Most of us have been told that if we’re going to have a good marriage we’ll need to learn some important things along the way. That’s all a part of married life. Some will be good; and some will be bad. But what about “unlearning” some things? Can that be Read More…

Different Approaches to Upsets

We sure have learned a lot about each other and about marriage in the many years we’ve been married! One thing we’ve learned is how differently we approach matters when we’re upset. Before marrying we didn’t really notice it that much! (Isn’t that usually the case?) But after marrying we Read More…

Love is Fragile – Handle with Care

The title of this Marriage Insight is “Love is Fragile — Handle with Care.” We came upon this title after reading something that psychologist Jean Lush said in a radio interview. In this interview she talked about spouses who fight with each other in toxic ways. We’re guilty of doing Read More…