Spouses Arguing in Front of Others

Have you ever been with a married couple that argues with each other while you’re with them? As the arguing progresses, how do you feel? Awkward? Embarrassed? Closed in? Uncomfortable? Yes …we feel that way too. We know many others who feel that same awkwardness about spouses arguing in front Read More…

Is What You’re Doing the Wisest Approach?

You want change to happen in your marriage, but you don’t change what you’re currently doing about it even when you see it’s not working. Hmmm… the question comes to mind, “How’s that working for you?” If it’s working, then don’t change anything. But if it’s not, perhaps you need to make Read More…

Stubbornly Married for Life

When you think of the term stubbornly married what comes to mind? To us it means digging in and not letting anything separate you. It’s a matter of remembering Jesus’ words when He said, “What God has put together, let no man separate.” There are all kinds of things that Read More…

War of Words in Marriage

There are wars going on, and they aren’t just happening out in the world. There are also wars that are going on in many, many marriages. We’re talking about the “war of words” that we know is being fought daily. And sadly, there are many innocent children and families who Read More…

Proverbs Marriage Tips – MM #360

The Bible is alive with marriage tips. Any scriptures that can help us with interpersonal relationships can ESPECIALLY be good to help us in our marriages. The principles for living, are the principles for loving and living with each other, as husband and wife, in the best of ways. So Read More…

Fighting Fair with Spouse – MM #97

Do you and your spouse fight? And when you do (notice I said when and not if), are you fighting fair with each other? “How you argue —especially how you end an argument —can determine the long-term success or failure of your relationship. A primary requirement for all fights is Read More…