A Pet Peeve Turned Into a Marriage Tip

It’s getting more and more difficult for us to go into restaurants lately. The reason? It has to do with something that has become a real pet peeve with us. It makes us a little sick to our stomach to see that this is being entertained more and more every day. Read More…

Guidelines for Tough Marital Talks

Do you and your spouse follow any “guidelines” when you have tough marital talks with each other? (Most people call them arguments or fights; but whatever you call them, these discussions can get tense.) Still, we’ve found that it’s important to have some agreed upon guidelines in place for those Read More…

Side by Side Conversations in Marriage

Do you ever have side by side conversations with your spouse? Maybe you hadn’t thought about it. We hadn’t earlier in our marriage. But it can actually be a highly effective form of talking to each other. It’s not that you will go into great depth in your conversation, but Read More…

Talking to Yourself Will Help Your Marriage

Since when is talking to yourself a good thing? Isn’t it a sign that you’re going a bit crazy? Sometimes yes, and sometimes no! Talking to yourself for no good reason can be a bit crazy. But talking to yourself in order to get to a better place in your Read More…

To Say Something Or Not: THAT Is The Question

Are you wondering if you should say something to your spouse about a particular issue? That can be quite the dilemma! There are many different reasons why we should and why we should not say something to our spouse when they’re not doing things the way we think they should. Sometimes Read More…

Body Language Speaks Volumes

It’s not just what we say that speaks volumes, but it’s also how we say it. Plus, it’s how we posture ourselves while we’re speaking, or our spouse is speaking that is important. Our body language speaks volumes. Sometimes it even speaks louder than our words. An example of this Read More…

Honey, We Need to Talk – Dr Kevin Leman

Dr Kevin Leman often says that five of the most dreaded words a husband hates to hear is, “Honey, we need to talk…” Do you find that to be true? Watch this You Tube video with Dr Leman and then read the marriage tips below. They are good ones to Read More…

Home: Where Seldom is Heard a Discouraging Word

Are you living together in such a way where the words of the old song apply, “Where seldom is heard a discouraging word?” Are “discouraging words” seldom heard? How about encouraging words? A rule we made in our home, when our sons were growing up (and we still apply to Read More…

Your Wife Has a Language All Her Own

How many times have you heard your wife say she’s told you something, and for the life of you, you can’t recall ever hearing her say that? How many times has it happened that your wife was upset over something but you have no clue why? When you ask her Read More…