How Can I Serve You?

Five little words that mean so much, “How can I serve you?” They bring such a relief when Steve says them to me. It happens usually at a time when I’m running around frantically trying to get everything done. And then he comes up with them… “how can I help… Read More…

Loving Your Spouse – God’s Way

With March 18th being our anniversary, love has all the more been on our minds. One thing that has helped us grow our marriage to be a wonderful one is having a sense of humor. We’re learning not to take everything so seriously. So, we thought we’d look at love Read More…

Does Your Spouse Feel Valued?

One of the things I love about this web site is the way that people from different countries minister to each other. They share various insights that brings to light, when they share. That recently happened when on Angie, from South Africa, wrote the following comment. It concerns making a spouse Read More…

Much Needed Perspective

It’s one of those “Thanks Lord, I needed that” times. God gave me much needed perspective on some things that have been troubling me. I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t go back to sleep. My mind became too active. Do you have any of those Read More…

Love Esteems

Here are a couple of questions to challenge you: —Would your mate say you honor and respect them? —Are they set apart and highly valued in your eyes? —Do you regard it as part of your promise to esteem them with dignity and kindness? Was that part of the vow Read More…

Make Love Happen Whenever Possible

Something that Kevin B Bullard wrote a while ago on the My Marriage Works web site, got my attention. This is because my husband Steve and I have found it to be SO true. Kevin challenges us to make love happen whenever we can. He wrote: “For as long as you’re Read More…

Where Did Our Love Go? – MM #239

There’s an old song that was popular a number of years ago titled, “Where Did Our Love Go?” Have you ever wondered, “Where DID our love go?” How did we get to the place where our love has done a vanishing act? Before we married we thought our love was Read More…

When the “WE” Breaks Apart – MM #217

We’ve been to a number of weddings that include lighting a Unity Candle, which is to symbolize two individual lives becoming “one” after the ceremony. But do they? From that day forward, do they start behaving as if they’re united as a marital team as they pledge they will? Or Read More…