What Sage Advice Would You Give Newlyweds?

Everyone has an opinion. And we’d sure like yours. If a newlywed came up to you and said, “What sage advice (wise advice) would you give a newlywed”—what would you say? What nugget of truth would you give to that newlywed? That’s the question we’ve been wondering about this week. Read More…

Ten Ways To Keep Your Marriage Healthy And Happy

You think that after you marry, your love will continue to grow. We hope so. But just to help you along the way, the following thoughts will help keep you focused on developing a healthy and happy marriage. Afterward, we will give you additional “secrets” for newlyweds, and beyond: 1. Read More…

A Happy Marriage: Assembly Required

I love romantic movies. I even love the predictable, syrupy sweet ones with the highly unlikely, happy endings. What can I say? I’m a romantic! I believe that fantasy can be fun to jump into within our imaginations sometimes. And apparently, a lot of other people feel the same way. Read More…

One, Two, Three Marriage Tips

We title this Marriage Insight, “One, Two, Three Marriage Tips.” That is because together, they all add up and can make a difference, if taken seriously. These are three marriage tips that we both value as far as sound marriage advice to follow. Here’s the first one that I (Cindy) Read More…

Favored Marriage Advice – Part 2

In the previous Marriage Insight Cindy shared some of her favored marriage advice that she has gleaned over the years. This week I (Steve) have the honor of sharing with you a few of my favorites. Some of it will be directed specifically toward the guys. That’s because my passion Read More…

Favorite Marriage Advice

Within this Marriage Insight, we’re giving you some of our favorite marriage advice that we’ve gathered, and have given. We encourage you to give some of yours in the Comment section below to help those who read this Insight. You never know what a difference one marriage tip can make Read More…

Expert Marriage Advice – Part 2

Young or old, we can all use good marriage advice from some of the “experts.” After all, whose marriage is perfect? It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been married, we can always improve things. In the last Marriage Insight we shared with you some EXPERT MARRIAGE ADVICE. (If you didn’t Read More…

Expert Marriage Advice

God has been impressing upon us to share some of the expert marriage advice we’ve learned (and applied, which has helped our marriage). In other words, this is advice we’ve gleaned from some great marriage experts. And WOW! We found some great stuff! The Marriage Missions web site is filled Read More…

Pray, Seek Wisdom, Apply

When you find yourself in a difficult marital situation, the best advice we can give you is: pray, seek wisdom, and then APPLY the wisdom that is given to you. It sounds like simple advice, doesn’t it? Yes, it does. But it isn’t easy to apply it. (We know that personally.) Read More…