Vantage Points in Marriage

Have you ever considered your different vantage points as a husband and wife? One sees things one way and the other sees things another. It’s called vantage points. For many different reasons we don’t see things the same way. We just went through this issue last night. I (Cindy) saw Read More…

Friendships and How They Influence a Marriage

What a difference a friendship can make! Friends can be intrusive and invasive, or welcoming and positive, depending upon the quality of friends they decide to be to you. Keep in mind, concerning friendships that: “Our world is much larger than our immediate family. And we cannot pretend to be Read More…

Are Your Friends Helping or Hurting Your Marriage?

Several years ago we wrote a Marriage Message titled, “Are Your Friends Helping or Hurting Your Marriage?” We featured this topic because we heard from so many spouses where their friends were hurting their marriages. They didn’t know what to do. We’re revisiting this matter again (and updating what we Read More…

Protecting Your Marriage

“Most people don’t think twice about insuring their home or car or things that are valuable. They don’t think twice about installing security measures like screens and alarms. But what about protecting your marriage? What can you and I do to protect our marriages?” (Dale Harcombe) We have to confess Read More…

Facebook and Inappropriate Relationships

I have been a Facebook user for over 2 years. I thoroughly enjoy connecting with everyone and daily I visit Facebook to catch up on what is happening in the life of family, friends, followers and other partners in ministry. Facebook in and of itself is amoral. But because we Read More…

Sympathize and Comfort Friends, But Be Careful

It’s important to comfort friends who are going through a tough time and do for them what you believe Christ would have you. God cares for those who are hurting, and so should we! That’s why it’s a good thing to be a Marriage Champion. We need more of those! Read More…

We Used to Be So in Love

“We used to be so in love. Life was full of passion and romance. Now he acts like he doesn’t care. It seems like ages since we made love. Our marriage is in trouble if we don’t breathe some new life into it soon!” Passion and romance are a strange Read More…

Protect Your Marriage from Affairs – MM #201

How do you protect your marriage from affairs that could kill it? “To stand firm in the battle for our marriages, we must be prepared. We can never assume that having a good marriage shelters us from temptation. In this age of “anything goes,” the wise woman will purposefully build Read More…

Marital Boundaries With Friendships

A long time ago, the Lord made my husband and me aware of the importance of guarding our hearts and our marriage. This includes being careful of the friends we allow ourselves to get close to —whether it is of the same sex or opposite sex. If there is any Read More…

Denying an Affair Could Happen – MM #200

Drink water from your own cistern, and running water from your own well. (Proverbs 5:15) What God has put together, let no man put asunder. (Mark 10:9) There’s no denying that those two scriptures pretty well sum up God’s position on being involved intimately with anyone other than your spouse. And there’s Read More…