Healthy Conflict in Marriage

Healthy Conflict … Do those two words go together? A lot of people think that a good marriage is one where there ISN’T any conflict. But that’s not true. It’s a natural occurrence in marriage. “What most spouses are surprised to learn is that marriage probably generates more anger than Read More…

Are You Offended By Your Spouse?

It’s absolutely common, at some point, to find yourself in a place where you’re feeling offended by your spouse. “Sooner or later …okay, sooner …it’s going to happen. You’re with your husband/wife and someone (not you, right?) gives offense. A comment, a glance, an action …they come in all shapes Read More…

Going to Bed Angry?

When we’re told to “not let the sun go down on our anger” does that mean if we’re arguing about something and it’s getting late, we have to stay up until it’s resolved? Not necessarily. But what about going to bed angry? How can you get away from that one? Read More…

Managing Your Anger By Using The Triple P Method

Anger properly channeled and controlled is a good thing —a God-given thing. Like a gas flame on the stove, anger is not inherently destructive. It’s a legitimate emotion that has a legitimate function. But it can be helpful or harmful, depending on how we use it. If we don’t learn Read More…

Stop Your Implosive and Explosive Responses to Anger

Which couple, when they walk down the aisle ever thinks to themselves, “I’m going to get so angry that I’m going to hurt and emotionally damage my partner in a very deep and real way someday!”? Yet sadly, we all deal with anger in marriage. Every one of us gets Read More…

How To Deal With Your Anger

How do you deal with your own anger? You realize that you take your anger to sinful places, and you want to change. What can you do? Here’s one man’s question on this matter and then Dr Tim’s answer afterward, that you may find helpful: “I’ve been an angry man Read More…

Marital Confrontation – MM #274

Who in the world enjoys confronting someone when there’s a problem? Neither one of us —that’s for sure! And from the people we talk to, there aren’t too many others who do either. But what do you do when you have a problem and you NEED to confront your marital Read More…

I’m an Angry Spouse – MM #100

Does your spouse irritate you to the point that you can call yourself an angry spouse? Your emotions slide to the angry side quite easily. And this baffles you. But should it? “The state of marriage generates in normal people more anger than they’re likely to experience in any other Read More…

Ten Commandments for Marriage – MM #9

In the last Marriage Message we gave you the first 5 of the Ten Commandments for Husbands and Wives. Elisabeth Elliot wrote these particular Ten Commandments, but we include our own comments afterward, plus scripture. This time we’ll begin by giving just the first 5 we gave last week. (You’ll Read More…