Nagging Issues in Marriage

Preventing and Dealing with Marriage Boredom

Healthy Conflict in Marriage

Survived Doing Household Projects Together

Don’t Forget to Laugh in Marriage

A Pharisee’s Attitude in Marriage?

Father’s Day and Marriage

Power Source to Change in Your Marriage

Marriage: An Outrageous Commitment

Holding Hands and Kissing Your Spouse

5 Disciplines of a Successful Vacation

Influence of a Wife and Mother

Seeing Things As They Really Are

The Necessity of Periodically Pruning Your Marriage

A Marital Fool?

Dumping Emotional Garbage

Dangerous Assumptions

The Ripple Effect in Marriage

Our Anniversary: The Celebrating Continues

Vantage Points in Marriage

Decoding the Male/Female Language

Anger Management in Marriage

Differing Styles of Communication in Marriage

A Love Story – Joni and Ken

New Year Challenge, Even in February

Marriage Quotes that Teach

Asking Why During a Stormy Time

Fun Communication Questions to Lift Your Marriage

The Romans 12 Marriage

DO Something – PLAY Something – DREAM Something TOGETHER

Poking Holes in the Darkness

Your Christmas Mission

De-Stressing Christmas

Too Many Commitments

Perspectives in Marriage Conflict

Preparing for Thanks Living in Marriage

Applying the Serenity Prayer to Marriage

What Marriage Is and Isn’t to Us

Spending Time Together After Marrying

The Marriage Story

A Marriage Miracle

Loving as God Would Have Us

Christian Marriage Tips: Approved by God

Prodigals Affecting Marriage

Right Fighting in Marriage

Love Accepts Many Imperfections

Poisonous Putdowns in Marriage

Why Should I Be the One to Change?

Protecting Marriage from Infidelity

Agreeing to Walk Together

Marriage Suggestions Don’t Fit All

Getting to a Place of Marital Unity

Strengthening Other Marriages

Biblical Rules for a Happy Marriage

Silly Gestures that Grow Marital Love

How Big is Your God?

Don’t Allow Tragedies to Split Your Marriage Apart!

Give Marriage a Fighting Chance

Still Laughing

Turning Problems into Blessing

Ways to KEEP FROM Draining Life Out of Your Marriage

HELP! My Spouse Drinks Too Much

This Is Not Fair

Overwhelmed? Weary?

Calming Down Arguments in Marriage

Marriage is Like an Orchestra or a Musical Band

A Pet Peeve Turned Into a Marriage Tip

You’ve Just Gotta Laugh

Twisted Words Lead to Marital Tension

The Critical Spouse

Myths vs TRUTH Concerning Marriage

Marital Insights that Address Specific Relationship Needs

Is It Possible to FINISH Well in Marriage?

Still Working on Those Marital Changes?

Still Working on Those Marital Changes?

Marriage Vow: I Do to I Didn’t

Greatest Lover in The World

Attacks on Marriage

Stolen Treasure of Marriage

Strategic Romance in Marriage

Making Changes for Good Reasons

New Year: Be a Marriage Keeper

A CHRISTmas Infused Marriage

Christmas Holiday Insights: Thanks! I Needed That!

“Set Your Mind” This Holiday Season and Beyond

Peaceable Celebrating

Ever-Circling Busyness

What If Marriage Had a Fountain of Youth?

Fall Dating Ideas to Grow Your Marriage

Guidelines for Tough Marital Talks

Sharing Fun with Your Spouse

Successful Marriages

Misguided Affection

Marriage Like Football?

Marital Junk Mail: Stinking Thinking

Weathering Seasons and Stages of Marriage

Erasing People from Our Lives

Little Secrets that Destroy Marriages

Encouraged Your Spouse Today?

Important Marriage Reminders

Marriage Lessons from Strange Places

Marriage Isn’t a 50/50 Proposition

Love the Lord Your God and Your Spouse

Haunted by the “If Only’s” In Your Marriage?

The Good and Angry Marriage

Side by Side Conversations in Marriage

Marriage Is Messy

Is Yours TRULY a Christ Centered Marriage?

If Our Thoughts Were Pictures Shown to Our Spouse…

Confronters vs. Avoiders in Marital Conflict

Don’t Be a Divorce Pusher

Sharing Humor in Marriage

Is an Attitude Adjustment Needed?

Still Committed to Be Married for Life?

Want to Be Married for Life?

Curiosity in Marriage Kills Assumptions

Have a Loving Affair With Your Spouse

Talking to Yourself Will Help Your Marriage

Focusing on What Really Is

Staying in Love Even After 50 Years of Marriage

50 is a GREAT Number!

Fighting with Prayer

Loving Each Other Beyond Valentine’s Day

Marriage on Display – Like it or Not

Working Towards Financial Freedom in Marriage

Marriage Kindness Check

A Healthy, Growth Focused Marriage

Decluttering Your Marriage

New Year New Confidence


Quiet in the Midst of Chaos

Deconstructing the “Perfect” Christmas to Make it REAL

Ready for Christmas?

Thanksgiving in Marriage

Turning Small Stuff in Marriage into Something Special

Being Different TOGETHER

Reducing Stress at Family Gatherings

Celebrating Love Daily: The Art of Marriage

Mature Love Doesn’t Grow Old

Spouse Appreciation and Depreciation

Pause and Consider Your Spouse’s Strengths

Fish Bowl Conversations

Ups and Downs of Marriage

Treating Marriage Illnesses That Weaken Your Relationship

Gracefully Give and Gracefully Accept Apologies

Apologies That Make a Positive Difference

Tenacity in Marriage

Enjoying the Sabbath in Your Married Life

Walking Together – Something Fun For Summer

Inspirational Marriages

Healthy Fights Within Marriage

Stinking Thinking Perceptions of Spouse

Public Displays of Affection in Marriage

Where Did the Fun Go?

Follow Your Heart VS Leading Your Heart

Are Your Friends Helping or Hurting Your Marriage?

Need Fresh Air in Your Marriage Relationship?

Heroes in Marriage

Logical vs Feeling Approach on Marriage Matters

It’s Never Wrong to Do What’s Right

Mind Reading Expectations Can Cause Marital Frustration

Everyday Choices – I Choose Us

More Romantic Things to Do

Reflecting Back on Our 49 Years of Marriage

Deepen Your Love for Your Marriage

Angry Stuffers and Spewers in Marriage

Funny Marriage Insights and Thots

NOT Wasting This Challenging Time in Marriage

Sarcasm Can Damage a Marriage Relationship

Focus on Marriage

Hopeful Prayer Starters for the New Year

Your Christmas Quiz

Surviving Christmas – Focusing Simply on Christ

Being One in Purpose ON Purpose

A Steady Diet of Leftovers Can Cause Marital Hunger

Giving Graciousness, Grace and Gratitude

Having a Resilient Marriage

These are Prayerful Times

Marital Tips Won’t Work

Are You in Alignment?

The Evolution of Marriage

The Enemy of Marriage

The “Mythical Mate” You Married

Marriage Quotes to Note

The Marriage Box Myth

Impactful Phrases That Can Change Marriage Relationships

Creatively Reframing Our Marriages

Your Marriage is an Open Book

Lazy Marriage: You Are What You Do

The Marriage Puzzle

Going Back to the Same Old Way

Tap in to Your Spouse and Family

Feeling Alone Together in Marriage

LOOK for Humor for Connection and Healing

Lets Unite and Pray for Marriages

Bridging the Social Distancing Dilemma

Connecting Together During This Difficult Time

Be Easygoing as a Spouse

Love is Fragile – Handle with Care

If Walls Could Talk

Decluttering Your Marriage Relationship

Small Reminders Can Make Big Differences

Closing Relational Distance Through Laughter

New Year Prayer Points for Your Marriage

The Christmas Season Can Be Hard on Relationships

Purpose Driven Love in Marriage

Infuse Gratitude Into Your Marriage

Marriage Lessons Learned in Africa

Going the Stupid Route

Forgotten Promises: I Didn’t Marry This

Noah’s Ark Guidance for Marriage – Pt. 3

Noah’s Ark Marriage Guidelines – Pt. 2

Noah’s Ark Guidelines for Marriage

Lies We Believe That are Marriage Killers

Bones of Contention in Marriage

Clothing Change in Marriage

Marrying Our Differences in Partnership

Simple Yet Difficult Marriage Insights

Vacation Plans and Expectations

Marriage Demands Fidelity and Faithfulness

Are You an Eraser or Highlighter in Your Marriage?

A Good Marriage Demands Toughness

Even a Taxing Marriage Has Its Benefits

Marriage Taxes Those Who Enter Into It

Marriage Tip and a Few Laughs

Picking Your Marital Fruit

What Would God’s Marriage Ambassador Do?

One, Two, Three Marriage Tips

The Snare of Comparing Marriages

How’s the Climate Within Your Marriage?

Flirting with Your Spouse

Living Regret Free in Your Marriage

Discussing the State of Your Marital Union

Are You an Intentional Marriage Partner?

Year End Reflections and Marriage Resolutions

Missing the Christmas Message

Marital Warmth in a Cold World

Should We As Christians Celebrate Christmas?

Reduce Marital Tension This Christmas

Being Thankful Despite Pain and Disappointment

Are You a Positive or a Negative Communicator?

Home: Where Seldom is Heard a Discouraging Word

Need a Marriage Tune Up?

Favorite Marriage Notes From Quotes

Putting Together Your Marriage Bucket List

Marriage Relationship Repair

One Sided Teasing Humor

Keep Your Eyes on Your Own Marriage Path

Cactus Points Protect Marriage

Dealing with Our Spouse’s Quirks

A Good Marriage Isn’t a 50/50 Deal

What’s Your Marriage Mission as a Couple?

I Love You AND I Like You Too

Don’t Let Your Feelings Drive Your Actions

A Royal Wedding and Sacred Covenant Marriage

When Spouses Process Information Differently

What’s Your Marriage Like Behind Closed Doors?

Judging Our Spouse’s Intentions

Marriage Insight Does Not Come Naturally

Bossing Your Feelings in Marriage

Being Brutally Honest in Marriage

Delaying Confrontations in Marriage

When Spouses Grieve Differently

Living in the Promised Love of Marriage

Celebrating Valentine’s Day Differently

Greeting Your Spouse With Warmth and Enthusiasm

When the “We” is Breaking Apart

Smiling Through Irritations

4 Ways We Should Never Settle in Marriage

Make Your Marriage Rock Solid

PRIORITIES: Who is Most Important?

Marriage Gift and a Christmas Bonus

Peace on Earth and a Peaceful Home

Rearranging Our Hearts In Thankfulness to God

A Thanksgiving Focus on Marriage

Are You Offended By Your Spouse?

Why God? Why is This Happening?

Weakening Relationship Walls that Separate

When Winds of Adversity Blow

Expert Marriage Advice – Part 2

Expert Marriage Advice

Be Nice – Be Kind in Marriage

Healthy Humor in Marriage

Hurtful Humor in Marriage

What is Your Marriage Legacy?

Marriage’s 6 Most Important Words

Marriage Communication: Too Much? Too Little?

Do You Value Your Spouse?

Stubbornly Married for Life

When Marriage Is No Longer Fun

We’ll Make It TOGETHER

Decades of Marriage: What I’ve Learned

Surprise Your Spouse Sometimes

Lord, We’re Exhausted!

Praying for Provision

Your Neighbor, Your Spouse

Love and Care Beyond Valentines

When Life Gets Busy

Do You Cherish Your Spouse?

Ask the Right Question(s)

Investing in Your Marriage

Peace and Good Will in Marriage

God Gave – So Should We

Pockets of Time Together

Secret Signals Between Spouses

Holiday Relationship Tips

Thanksgiving Blessings for Marriage

Tell Your Spouse “Thank You”

“Fix-it” Listening in Marriage

Encouragement Should Begin At Home

NEEDED: An Army of Encouragers

Are You a Bible LIVING Spouse?

Grace in Marriage

Fight Hard FOR Your Marriage

The Selfie Mindset

What is Our Mission Together?

Three Unforgettable Words

You Need to Laugh in Your Marriage!

Married “Maybe” Forever

Life Is a Gift

When Adversity Happens

Sympathize and Comfort Friends, But Be Careful

Care Package to Encourage Spouse’s Heart

Thank You for Being Faithful

Parasites In Marriage

3 Simple Marriage Reminders

Words You Never Want to Hear

Hold On or You’ll Drift

How Can I Serve You?

Attitude and Effort

Resurrected Love Within Marriage

Loving Your Spouse – God’s Way

Keep Short Accounts on Grievances

Who Are We Fighting Anyway?

A Simple But Fun Time

Valentine Celebration: What Works for You TWO?

Epiphany Moments in Marriage

We Pray Ah-Ha Moments for You

Jesus –Do You See Him?

Christmas Busyness

How’s Your Fruit?

Intentionally Thankful

The Love of Christ Reflected

Privacy Vs Secrecy in Marriage

Looking Through Manure Colored Glasses

Let No One Separate You

How Do You Greet Your Spouse?

Emotional Raw Spots within Marriage

Unity and Overcoming

Division and Strife

Beware of Mixture

The Porcupine Marriage

Creeping Separateness

Who or What is Most Important?